At Dugan’s Vet Hospital, our groomers will create the most pleasant experience possible for your dog. We know grooming can be scary for your fur-baby, so we take all precautions necessary to ensure they are comfortable. All pricing is dependent on size and coat condition of your pet. Give us a call to schedule your pup’s pampering!
If your furry family member needs a professional touch, we’re happy to help with our Basic Bath package! The bath and brush service includes: Bath, blow dry, brush out, nail trim, ear cleaning, cologne, and a bow or bandana.
Whether your pup needs a trim up in between full grooms, a complete shave down, or anything in between, our professional groomers can make your pup look and feel great. Grooms always include a bath, ear cleaning, nail trimming, your desired haircut, cologne, and a bandana or bow to finish it off. Other services can be added upon arrival for your appointment.
Give your pet the ultimate upgrade with our bath & groom add-ons:
● Nail Trims
● Nail Grinds
● Tooth Brushing
● FURminator
… and more!